
Hello everyone! This is the first project I've published in a while, so I think this is as good a time as any to introduce myself.

My name is Kenneth, and I am a hobbyist game developer. Recently I've been working a lot more on my personal projects, but there where a couple of things I wanted to do but didn't know how to program them. That's when I began working on this little project to learn more about procedural generation. 

It honestly is a very small and simple project, but I learned quite a lot by making it, so I thought it would be great if I published it and others could learn from it (the good AND the bad). I feel a little embarrassed that people might read code written by me, but I've made the project available under the MIT license nonetheless, in the hopes that people will learn from it, share it, and perhaps even improve it. 

I can't promise I'll be updating it anytime soon, but if I can think of ways to improve it (and have the time for it) I'll definitely do it.

Files Play in browser
Apr 12, 2023

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